Receive a $50 Gift Certificate or a Credit Memo (your choice) every time you refer us to another branch office or business contact (your Connection) and they place an order with us for a minimum of five (5) Premium Remanufactured toner cartridges.
Let your Connections know about ETB. They can be a supplier, other branch location, any business contact, etc. just as long as they work at a different office location than yours.
Our ETB $50 Give-Away Program is unlimited so feel free to refer us to as many Connections as you wish!
Your Connection orders a total of five (5) Premium Remanufactured toner cartridges.
We will send you a $50 Gift Certificate or a $50 credit memo for any of the following companies: • The Keg • Cineplex • Home Depot • Best Buy • Indigo • Uber • Sobeys • Esso • Tim Horton’s
Repeat as often as you wish!
ETB $50 Give-Away
We Take the Confusion out of Buying Printer Cartridges